Do you really need a budget? Some tend to say that a budget isn't really needed. I do believe that everyone is different, and if you are in debt, you should probably have a budget. Budgets should be flexible, since some things can change.
A good way to reassess your finances is to overhaul your financial health. If there is a way, try to earn extra cash. Never miss ways to make extra cash. It will always help in your retirement.
If you aren't doing your banking through an online bank, you definitely aren't getting a great APR rate. Go to Barclays, and get a great rate on savings and CDs. Although it claims 1.00% APY, if you sign up for a Retirement account the rate goes to 1.05% APY. Barclays also rewards you at the end of the year if you don't withdraw any money you put in. You can go right to 1.05% APY in a savings account at GS Bank. The 1.10% APY 12 month CD is a great rate for a short period. As far as checking, Charles Schwab
If you are investing for the future, you know the importance of a diversified portfolio. Can you be losing money because your portfolio is too diversified? I fell into this trap when I was starting out.
Investing should be involved in any financial issue. Start with as little as $1000 and learn how to do it.
For a great resource planner in all financial matters, Personal Capital has many tools to manage your finances and plan for your retirement.
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