Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Road-BLOCK-To Riches

Why aren't you rich, regardless of what you earn? It's really no secret. You live above your means(Period). Rationalize and come up with as many excuses as you must, but that is the truth when it comes to your financial situation.

Unfortunately, sometimes living beyond your means can be a form of self preservation. You don't want to live in a high crime area just to save on rent or home ownership. Living beyond your means actually can be summarized as putting your wants ahead of your needs. Your wants require no foreseeable sacrifice but will come with a great price in the near future.

We are materialistic and tend to try to keep up with the Joneses. If the Joneses are more financially stable than ourselves, we are doomed to financial ruin. Yet we continue to spiral in debt because we want more than we need.

When it comes to money, it takes discipline and discipline requires sacrifice sometimes. That is the reality. If you want fantasy, then keep on dreaming. Eventually you will have to pay the piper. God help you if it catches up at your retirement. I know people who haven't saved or invested one red cent their entire working career and have constantly borrowed from their retirement. Their choices are work until you die or retire penniless. This is just a fact.

If you're OK with your current trajectory in financial situation, then continue to dream and prepare for your nightmare. If you want to face facts about your finances, be sure to correct what may be keeping you poor!                                                                                                               

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