When it comes to money, your personal habits can make or break you. The road to wealth isn't a difficult one, but it does require saving, investing and living below your means. The amount of time it takes to reach a "comfort zone" depends on when we start becoming disciplined to meet the requirements. The later you start, the more money you will have to save.
George Costanza on Seinfeld once made a statement that if everything he has done in his life has led to failure, then doing the opposite would lead to victory. Well that was the concept anyway. The point is that if you are living paycheck-to-paycheck or not saving anything, you might want to get your priorities straight.
Your paychecks priorities probably look something like this: 1. Bills, 2. Shelter, 3. Food, 4. Entertainment, 5. Unforeseen expenses, 6. Saving. Some list Saving as 10 or better, and by the time the check gets there there might only be pennies! Your top priority should be savings made automatically like paying a bill.
Start creating rules when it comes to money. It can be as simple as skipping one meal a week at a restaurant, to saving $500 a month. You make your own rules and you stick to them. Learn the money habits that lead to wealth. It's never too late to start, but it will require a greater commitment and contribution to reach your goal.
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