Spending freeze is a great way to save some cash. I am trying to reach a 2-week spending freeze, but so far I have gotten to 4 days without spending. It does require some planning and discipline. The savings in the long run can really add up.
You can find tips on freezing your spending and how to get started. Depending on your current spending habits, successful spending freezes require planning. Start stocking up on food and eat at home and take your lunch to work.
Fill your gas tank and drive only to places you truly must. If you're not planning a vacation, you should take a 2-week vacation from work. This will cut the work travel. A vacation can also make a 2-week freeze a bit easier.
What doesn't count in a spending freeze are essential bills like rent, utilities, etc., unless there is a two week period where no bills are paid.
In the end, I consider any day that I make money and don't spend money is a victory. Many times I watched my weekly budget roll into the following week. I have banked and invested quite a savings.
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