Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Financial Journal 1

This is the start of a financial advice journal that combines everything from saving to budgeting to retirement and beyond.

Want to retire with a million dollars? Although it may not be too late, it may be best to start young.

April is a special month that affects our finances. beyond tax-time.

April should be the first month to get a free credit report. Notice I said "a" as in "one" credit report. Since you get a free report a year from each agency, get one from each one every 4 months.

What if money came with rules? If we lived by these rules we may be prosperous. Well money does have rules to live by.

Are you putting off financial obligations until 'someday'? Well someday never comes and here are financial tasks that need immediate attention.

Here's a site that offers tips and techniques to tweek your finances.

I use both banks and credit unions for my banking needs, I even bank online and take advantage of higher interest rates. Here's a way to find the right financial institution for your needs.

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