Money isn't often discussed in conversations and few are taught the essential lessons about money. A good indicator of money knowledge is how much debt one has. Another indicator is how much money you have saved or invested. You can expect that the dollar of today is not the dollar of tomorrow, it will lose value and buying power. That's why you have to have something for your future(emergencies, retirement, unforeseen expenses, etc.).
Some money lessons can be found in unusual places. It's all about knowing your priorities and watching your spending. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you need to have a budget and stick to it. Thanks to the internet, you can learn how to budget your money.
It is never too early to teach children about money. The lessons will last a lifetime. Teach your children well when it comes to money and start early.
Debt isn't easy to get out off if we are drowning in it. Still it can be done. Sometimes all it takes are small steps.
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