Thursday, September 26, 2013

Retiring Securely

The sooner you start saving for your retirement, the more of a secure retirement you will have. It's never too early to start and I would recommend starting to save at birth. If you don't save enough for your golden years, you will be spending them at the "Golden Arches" to say the least.

There are rumors that Social Security, won't be there in a few more years and retirements are being taken from the private sector as corporations file for bankruptcy. Nothing is ever really guaranteed in life, and sometimes it pays to prepare for any unforeseen situation that will have a monetary affect your retirement.

I suppose that people fail to save for retirement because you never think of retirement until you finally got old. There are those who can retire as young as 40, and I'm sure some can retire younger and some are born retired.

If you wait until the age of 70 to collect SSI, you will double the benefit you get at 62. If at 62 you get $1000 a month you will get up to $2000 at 70. Considering that one is in good health, it may be to ones best interest to retire at 70. Remember that your retirement must sustain you until you die. The earlier you retire on Social Security, the less your benefit will be worth.

If you have saved and invested enough over the years, it really don't matter because SSI is just gravy. Many people fail when it comes to saving for anything due to budget failures.  So plan carefully when it comes to retirement, because I haven't even scratched the surface.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Frugal Gambler

I am not a gambler, but I am surrounded by them. Go to the casinos, buy the scratch-offs, play the numbers, it never ends. Sorry, I work hard for my money, so if I do "gamble" it will have to benefit me or break me even.

On October 8 the new $100 bills come out. They may be worth up to $15,000 if the numbers are right!

I'm talking about serial numbers of the bills. The low numbers or numbers with a meaning may be worth more than the bill's value. So on or about October 8, I would go to a bank or other institution and get a brand new crisp $100 redesigned bill!